So now we're chiefs! Chief & Mama Dunyo the 1st to be exact

Yes - We're not too sure what happened either but it was brilliant!
The pictures tell you how random the experience was being made development chiefs on our visit back to our village when Dave's folks visited. It was a surprise they had planned for us to thank us for the work done on the IT centre, school roof, library etc. Also, another way for them to help us see ourselves as part of their community and always welcome. It was great and hilarious. The day started at 6am with the women dancing and men setting off very loud gun things carrying knives and drinking strong local gin. Despite the warning of gun sounds, Dave's mum Suzy and I still screamed. Sensitive white folk hey.
The day continued with them bringing us gifts from their farms - yam, pineapples, red oil, rice (from the market actually) etc which was a real touch. We were dressed up as the pictures dictate with new cloth bought for us. We still think we look like we have head injuries with the white head scarves but appreciate the thought. Dave's parents dressed up too and had an ace time. Particularly memorable were the shepp slaughter which they did behind the tree on request, dancing with the community and getting blisters from the chief shoes. Very posh but horrendous for my toots. A very fun day and meant a lot to us as it must have cost the village a fair bit of money for the effort. Oh and apparently we have some land!! Thinking one day of building a house there for visits!
When at the village we also bought more school roof materials to start the replacement of the current one which still has the gaping hole. We plan to go back at the end of June to complete buying so the work can be finished before we head home in October.
Other projects are going ok with the recovery of 2/3rds of the money held up with our UK partner charity Africa Foundation. 6 months later and we have some of the money back - africa time even though in the UK - unique. Currently it is farming season so work is halted until the community can come back to finish the supporting walls and then roof. We are also shortlisted for the british high commission grant to support the project. If we got this, it would complete the whole thing. Exciting stuff.
We continue to seek books for the new library. Suzy and John brought 75 books from the UK with them which is a great start! They managed to get them free for Oxfam when explaining what they wanted them for. Fantastic.
We miss the village but love the new life on the beach too. Having Dave's parents visit was fun and nice to have some homelife here. We look forward to seeing Andy and Nikki coming this Saturday for a couple of week and Alex at the end of the month. Shame its the rainiest month we've had in ghana but still beautiful country so should be fun! Plan to do hikes through rubber plantations, visit the stilt village, waterfall, maybe a monkey santuary and drink shed loads of cocktails at green turtle.
Speaking of which, the owners of green turtle - the lovely Tom and Jo have had a girl - Amali Afia Mile. Congratulations. They are lovely. So pleased all is well.
Best go as are on the weekly visit to town to do shopping and want to get back to the beach soon before the dodgy road to the lodge is a mud slide. Also we have slight hangovers if the truth be told.
Oh - and we are coming back in October!! for a while anyway. Anyone up for a party?? Care to host it at your house that would be great as we'll be skint. Tanned and open minded though from Africa so worth it!
Love to you all, write us a mail - really want to hear from you. Or we can get texts everyday now to 00233 244 893566.
New Address... Green Turtle Lodge, PO Box MC 1258, Takoradi, Ghana
Maria & Dave
Congrats and Well Done guys! what a complete honour. Miss you two and the village people, Michelle
Hi! Enjoyed reading your news. Hope Nikki and Andy are enjoying their stay and that you are enjoying having them! We've got a spare room if you still need one in October!
Mum'N'Rog XX
Have been checking in regularly and reporting back to the lazy one. Really impressed with all that you've done. And looks like a fab time is being had! Keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing you in October.
Hi Meme, Dave
Hope you are both well - when are you going to update this account ?? Have sent you b'day card Mims so hopefully will be with you on time. Have you got actual fly home date yet ?? See you soon - big kisses from Lu and Jackson (you will get a shock with him - when you left he was a baby now he's a bog cheeky boy !!) Lu still as "chatty" just got taller !!
See you soon - take care Stace
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